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Month: December 2010

I haven’t been sitting idly these past few weeks, I’ve skipped the frying pan and gone straight into the fire at Joyent!. At Joyent I’m joining a group of great engineers. I’ll be tackling the problem
of Cloud Analytics with a familiar cast of engineers:

Things have been moving fast and not even the holidays aren’t slowing us down too much. Dave has compiled some links to information on a bit of the background of Cloud Analytics, which can be found here. As we make progress I’ll hopefully have some interesting things to talk about related to the problem on here among some other talks.

Three years ago I first came to Sun Microsystems working in Microelectronics and had a chance to work on verification for KT – what most of us now know as the Sparc T3. After a great time there, I found myself given the opportunity to join the Fishworks team twice, first for an unforgettable internship and again to continue on working full time. Throughout all of this I have had the opportunity to work with a number of outstanding engineers, seen innovative products and technologies thrive and launch, and learned innumerable things. I wouldn’t choose to spend my time at Fishworks any other way.

It has come time to move on and do something else. I am going to be switching gears and doing something different outside of Sun/Oracle. I’ll be heading off and tackling something new with a different company and some familiar faces.

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