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Month: March 2011

Just the other day I was working with Ryan Dahl on debugging an issue he hit while working on adding support for Crankshaft —  the new JIT for Google’s v8 — for SunOS. This came about from Bryan’s discovery of what can happen when magic collides. Now, this is a rather delicate operation and there is a lot of special stuff that is going on. Since Ryan and I had an interesting little debugging session and both learned something, I thought I’d share a bit of what was going on with an explanation.

As a part of Crankshaft, they are firing a signal to do a bit of the profiling. Some of the code that is in bleeding edge for src/ currently looks like:

615 static void ProfilerSignalHandler(int signal, siginfo_t* info, void* context) {
616   USE(info);
617   if (signal != SIGPROF) return;
618   if (active_sampler_ == NULL || !active_sampler_->IsActive()) return;
619   if (vm_tid_ != pthread_self()) return;
621   TickSample sample_obj;
622   TickSample* sample = CpuProfiler::TickSampleEvent();
623   if (sample == NULL) sample = &sample_obj;
625   // Extracting the sample from the context is extremely machine dependent.
626   ucontext_t* ucontext = reinterpret_cast(context);
627   mcontext_t& mcontext = ucontext->uc_mcontext;
628   sample->state = Top::current_vm_state();
630 #if V8_HOST_ARCH_IA32
631   sample->pc = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_EIP]);
632   sample->sp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_ESP]);
633   sample->fp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_EBP]);
634 #elif V8_HOST_ARCH_X64
635   sample->pc = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_RIP]);
636   sample->sp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_RSP]);
637   sample->fp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[KDIREG_RBP]);
638 #else
640 #endif
641   active_sampler_->SampleStack(sample);
642   active_sampler_->Tick(sample);
643 }

Now for those of you who have spent a long time working with SunOS might notice what’s wrong with this right away. But in some ways it’s not quite so obvious, so let’s talk about what’s happening.

This code is being used as a signal handler, specifically for SIGPROF. If we pull up the manual page for sigaction(2), the Solaris version has the following comment in its notes section:

     The handler routine can be declared:

       void handler (int sig, siginfo_t *sip, ucontext_t *ucp);

     The sig argument is the signal number. The sip argument is a
     pointer (to space on the stack) to  a  siginfo_t  structure,
     which  provides  additional detail about the delivery of the
     signal. The ucp argument is a pointer (again to space on the
     stack)  to  a  ucontext_t  structure  (defined in <sys/ucon-
     text.h>) which contains the context from before the  signal.
     It  is  not  recommended  that ucp be used by the handler to
     restore the context from before the signal delivery.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 23 Mar 2005                   5

When a signal is delivered on an x86 UNIX system a program stops doing what it is currently doing and if there is a signal handler, executes the code for the signal handler and then returns to what it was previously doing (this is a bit more complicated in a multi-threaded program). We generally describe this as a signal interrupting the thread in question. This third argument to the handler is a context, which is all the information necessary to describe where a user program is executing. If we peek our heads into <sys/ucontext.h> on an x86 based system (the SPARC version is different)) we will find the following declaration for the structure (with a few #ifdefs along for the ride):

 75 #if !defined(_XPG4_2) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__)
 76 struct  ucontext {
 77 #else
 78 struct  __ucontext {
 79 #endif
 80         unsigned long   uc_flags;
 81         ucontext_t      *uc_link;
 82         sigset_t        uc_sigmask;
 83         stack_t         uc_stack;
 84         mcontext_t      uc_mcontext;
 85         long            uc_filler[5];   /* see ABI spec for Intel386 */
 86 };

Specifically here we are interested in the mcontext — what v8 is using. To best understand what the mcontext is, I took a look at what the OpenGroup defines for ucontext.h in SUSv2. They have the following to say about the mcontext:

mcontext_t  uc_mcontext a machine-specific representation of the saved context

More specifically the mcontext_t has two members. From <sys/regset.h> we get:

378 /*
379  * Structure mcontext defines the complete hardware machine state.
380  * (This structure is specified in the i386 ABI suppl.)
381  */
382 typedef struct {
383         gregset_t       gregs;          /* general register set */
384         fpregset_t      fpregs;         /* floating point register set */
385 } mcontext_t;

Well, that’s exactly what v8 is looking for. From the code snippet there, they are saving three registers that describe how the machine works:

  • The Base Pointer – ebp for i386 and rbp on amd64
  • The Instruction Pointer – eip for i386 and rip for amd64
  • The Stack Pointer – esp for i386 and rsp on amd64

Now keeping track of what each of these does can be quite confusing, so let’s do a quick review.

The instruction pointer holds the address of the next assembly instruction that the CPU should execute for this program. The Base Pointer and Stack Pointer are unfortunately, not quite as intuitive. Memory is laid out in the stack from high addresses towards low addresses. The stack pointer tells us where the bottom of the stack is, i.e. if we decrement the address we can store a new value. When we use the stack, we break it up into what are called stack frames. A stack frame contains everything necessary to run a function: arguments to the function, copies of registers that are expected to be saved, the instruction to return to after the function completes (the eip) and a pointer to the previous stack frame. The ebp points into the current stack frame.

After this brief interlude, we now return to the code that we were working on v8 src/ Now, every so often that code would segfault. With a brief bit of debugging work and comparing the registers before the interrupt was taken with those in the mcontext, we found that we were using the wrong value! Now, if you look back, you’ll see that we’re using macros with prefix KDIREG. These are generally gotten from <sys/kdi_regs.h>. Specifically the definitions used are architecture dependent and for x86 will be found in <ia32/sys/kdi_regs.h> and in <amd64/sys/kdi_regs.h> for amd64. This is the interface that kmdb uses for operating.

In this context, kdi stands for the Kernel/Debugger Interface. So these definitions are meant for structures that are using that interface. When we specified KDIREGS_ESP the value it ended up actually getting out of the register actually was giving us the register ECX. ECX can be used as a general purpose and historically CX was used for loop counters, so the chances that we’re getting an invalid address are pretty high.

However, it turned out it was not too hard to use the correct registers. Looking at <sys/regset.h> had the answer right in front of us:

 91 /*
 92  * The names and offsets defined here are specified by i386 ABI suppl.
 93  */
 95 #define SS              18      /* only stored on a privilege transition */
 96 #define UESP            17      /* only stored on a privilege transition */
 97 #define EFL             16
 98 #define CS              15
 99 #define EIP             14
100 #define ERR             13
101 #define TRAPNO          12
102 #define EAX             11
103 #define ECX             10
104 #define EDX             9
105 #define EBX             8
106 #define ESP             7
107 #define EBP             6
108 #define ESI             5
109 #define EDI             4
110 #define DS              3
111 #define ES              2
112 #define FS              1
113 #define GS              0

This led us to making the obvious substitutions:

630 #if V8_HOST_ARCH_IA32
631   sample->pc = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[EIP]);
632   sample->sp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[ESP]);
633   sample->fp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[EBP]);

Well, actually it was almost too obvious, because it segfaulted as well in the same location. However, instead of using address 0xf (a reasonable value for ECX), it actually had 0x0 in the ESP register! Now wait a minute, this is what tells us where the bottom of the stack is, that’s not right, if the bottom of the stack is at 0 we’re in a lot of trouble.

Now, on Solaris x86/amd64 we take interrupts on the stack. These days, most systems use a 1:1 threading model (for reasons why, ask Bryan or read his paper) so for each userland thread there is a kernel thread that corresponds to it which means that each thread has a stack in both userland and the kernel. So here ESP really could be called KESP — referring to the ESP of the kernel thread. So really what we are interested in here is the ESP for userland or the register UESP.

Now that we know that we need to be using UESP, I took another look at the header file and found the following snippet:

115 /* aliases for portability */
117 #if defined(__amd64)
119 #define REG_PC  REG_RIP
120 #define REG_FP  REG_RBP
121 #define REG_SP  REG_RSP
122 #define REG_PS  REG_RFL
123 #define REG_R0  REG_RAX
124 #define REG_R1  REG_RDX
126 #else   /* __i386 */
128 #define REG_PC  EIP
129 #define REG_FP  EBP
130 #define REG_SP  UESP
131 #define REG_PS  EFL
132 #define REG_R0  EAX
133 #define REG_R1  EDX

One of the nice things about this here is that it makes it easier to write code that works across both the x86 and amd64 architectures. Of course, this doesn’t really work when looking at SPARC platforms because the ABI and calling conventions are different due to the differences in CPU architecture. This is one of the things that I personally enjoy about SunOS. The act of defining these more portable aliases is really helpful and if we ever get a 128 bit processor for some reason, those macros will be extended to make sense for it as well. Those portable definitions allowed us to take those architecture ifdefs and just replace it with the following three lines:

631   sample->pc = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[REG_PC]);
632   sample->sp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[REG_SP]);
633   sample->fp = reinterpret_cast(mcontext.gregs[REG_FP]);

That’s about it for our little trip down to sys/regset.h. The fix should hopefully land in v8 (it may even have by the time I get around to posting this) shortly. It should be fun to play around with node and a proper Crankshaft on v8.

As a part of the work for Cloud Analytics that Dave, Bryan, Brendan, and I been doing, we’ve added several USDT probes to Node. As I’ve been doing a lot of the integration work and working with Ryan Dahl to get them into Node itself, I thought that I would document what we’ve added and talk a bit about what information we can get from the probes. Dave has a blog entry that explains how you can use these probes and Cloud Analytics to understand what’s going on with your application.

Currently Node has probes that let us track the following events:

Before we jump too far ahead of ourselves, we should talk a bit about how to enable DTrace USDT probes with node. To get the DTrace probes in node, you can pass the option –with-dtrace to configure. This flag will fail on systems that aren’t SunOS (i.e. Illumos and OpenSolaris). Now, OS X and FreeBSD do have DTrace. You can certainly hack the wscript for node to get the probes compiled into OS X and FreeBSD; however, they have not been tested. On OS X you can get the probes to fire; however, the translator does not currently work on OS X, which limits their power. I have not tested this on FreeBSD 9 which added support for the USDT provider. So, let’s build node with support for DTrace!

$ ./configure --with-dtrace && make && make install

So, now we can go ahead and list all of the probes that DTrace has for node. To do this we need to fire up our newly compiled node and then run the following DTrace command to see all the probes that we have:

rm@devel ~ $ dtrace -l -n node*:::
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
 4331  node12090              node _ZN4node14dtrace_gc_doneEN2v86GCTypeENS0_15GCCallbackFlagsE gc-done
 4332  node12090              node _ZN4node15dtrace_gc_startEN2v86GCTypeENS0_15GCCallbackFlagsE gc-start
 4333  node12090              node _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-client-request
 4334  node12090              node _ZN4node27DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSEERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-client-response
 4335  node12090              node _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-server-request
 4336  node12090              node _ZN4node27DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSEERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-server-response
 4337  node12090              node _ZN4node28DTRACE_NET_SERVER_CONNECTIONERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-server-connection
 4338  node12090              node _ZN4node22DTRACE_NET_SOCKET_READERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-socket-read
 4339  node12090              node _ZN4node23DTRACE_NET_SOCKET_WRITEERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-socket-write
 4340  node12090              node _ZN4node21DTRACE_NET_STREAM_ENDERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-stream-end

As we can see there are several probes here, for this entry we’re going to leave out net-stream-end and net-server-connection. If we include the path to the node.d file, we can even view all the arguments of the probe. The node.d file is a translator that is installed into $PREFIX/lib/dtrace. As long as you have the libdir patch (or move the file into /usr/lib/dtrace) then you should be all set and we can run:

rm@devel ~ $ dtrace -L $PREFIX/lib/dtrace -v -n node*:::
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
 4331  node12090              node _ZN4node14dtrace_gc_doneEN2v86GCTypeENS0_15GCCallbackFlagsE gc-done

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: int
                args[1]: int

 4332  node12090              node _ZN4node15dtrace_gc_startEN2v86GCTypeENS0_15GCCallbackFlagsE gc-start

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: int
                args[1]: int

 4333  node12090              node _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-client-request

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_http_request_t *
                args[1]: node_connection_t *
 4334  node12090              node _ZN4node27DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSEERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-client-response

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_connection_t *

 4335  node12090              node _ZN4node26DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-server-request

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_http_request_t *
                args[1]: node_connection_t *

 4336  node12090              node _ZN4node27DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSEERKN2v89ArgumentsE http-server-response

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_connection_t *

 4338  node12090              node _ZN4node22DTRACE_NET_SOCKET_READERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-socket-read

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_connection_t *
                args[1]: int

 4339  node12090              node _ZN4node23DTRACE_NET_SOCKET_WRITEERKN2v89ArgumentsE net-socket-write

        Probe Description Attributes
                Identifier Names: Private
                Data Semantics:   Private
                Dependency Class: Unknown

        Argument Attributes
                Identifier Names: Evolving
                Data Semantics:   Evolving
                Dependency Class: ISA

        Argument Types
                args[0]: node_connection_t *
                args[1]: int

For the rest of this entry we’ll go over the different probes and their arguments. I’ll detail what they are and how you can get some useful information from them. In a future entry I’ll discuss how you can use this information.

HTTP Server Probes

When an HTTP request comes in it will fire the http-server-request probe. The probe is fired once node receives all of the HTTP headers for the incoming connection. Thus the probe fires right before the HTTP socket emits the event ‘request’. The http-server-request probe has two arguments. The first argument tells us information about the HTTP request. We can use it to get the method and url requested. The second argument tells us information about who is connecting to our HTTP server. We can view all this information with the following DTrace snippet:

# cat -n /tmp/node-httpd-request.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node21291:::http-server-request
     4  {
     5          printf("Connection from %s:%d on fd %d - Request %s: %s\n",
     6              args[1]->remoteAddress, args[1]->remotePort, args[1]->fd,
     7              args[0]->method, args[0]->url);
     8  }
# dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s node-httpd-request.d
Connection from on fd 7 - Request GET: /
Connection from on fd 7 - Request GET: /
Connection from on fd 7 - Request GET: /
Connection from on fd 7 - Request GET: /
Connection from on fd 7 - Request GET: /

The corresponding probe, http-server-response, will fire once we have finished sending all the data in our response to the client. This probe no longer has the information on the incoming HTTP request, but does have all of the information about who we are talking to. Here’s all the information that we have:

# cat node-http-response.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::http-server-response
     4  {
     5          printf("Connection from %s:%d on fd %d\n",
     6              args[0]->remoteAddress, args[0]->remotePort, args[0]->fd);
     7  }
# dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s node-http-response.d
Connection from on fd 8
Connection from on fd 9
Connection from on fd 7
Connection from on fd 19
Connection from on fd 14
Connection from on fd 16
Connection from on fd 11

Now, if we want to track the time that has elapsed, we have to be a little smarter. In node we could have multiple connections going on at the same time, and these are all going to occur in the same thread. This means that we cannot use the traditional thread-local variables that we might do via self->foo. So, how do we actually correlate one http-server-request probe with its http-server-response probe? Each connection is using a separate socket and each socket has its own file descriptor. There is a one to one correlation between sockets and file descriptors. A file descriptor will only be reused if the socket it was previously associated with was closed. So if we wanted to track the latency we can use the file descriptor to correlate events and write a small script that looks something like:

rm@devel ~ $ cat  -n/tmp/httpd-lat.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::http-server-request
     4  {
     5          latency[args[1]->fd] = timestamp;
     6  }
     8  node*:::http-server-response
     9  {
    10          printf("Request took %d nanoseconds to complete\n",
    11              timestamp - latency[args[0]->fd]);
    12  }
rm@devel ~ $ dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s /tmp/httpd-lat.d
Request took 444589 nanoseconds to complete
Request took 939339 nanoseconds to complete
Request took 353588 nanoseconds to complete
Request took 1431926 nanoseconds to complete
Request took 334404 nanoseconds to complete

Now, if we run this with the sample Node ‘Hello, world!’ HTTP server we certainly can get some rather interesting data. But the value comes from being able to visualize this data, something that Brendan has looked at extensively.

HTTP Client Probes

The HTTP Client probes have been designed to correspond to their HTTP Server counterparts. There are both http-client-request and http-client-response probes. The http-client-request gets fired when an outgoing request is made and the http-client response probe is fired when we have received the response. In terms of arguments, the HTTP Client probes work identically to their server counterparts. The http-client-request has information about what the underlying connection and the HTTP resource we have asked for. The http-client-response probe only has information on the underlying socket.

Let’s look at the same information as we did with the HTTP Server probes, but this time with the client:

# cat -n /tmp/node-httpc-request.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::http-client-request
     4  {
     5          printf("Connection to %s:%d on fd %d - Request %s: %s\n",
     6              args[1]->remoteAddress, args[1]->remotePort, args[1]->fd,
     7              args[0]->method, args[0]->url);
     8  }
# dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s /tmp/node-httpc-request.d
Connection to on fd 10 - Request GET: /ca/instrumentations/1/value/raw?start_time=1298733995
Connection to on fd 12 - Request GET: /ca/instrumentations/4/value/raw?start_time=1298733995
Connection to on fd 10 - Request GET: /ca/instrumentations/1/value/raw?start_time=1298733997
Connection to on fd 13 - Request GET: /ca/instrumentations/5/value/raw?start_time=1298733997
Connection to on fd 12 - Request GET: /ca/instrumentations/4/value/raw?start_time=1298733997

Again, we can do a similar thing for the response:

# cat -n /tmp/node-httpc-response.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::http-client-response
     4  {
     5          printf("Connection to %s:%d on fd %d\n",
     6              args[0]->remoteAddress, args[0]->remotePort, args[0]->fd);
     7  }
# dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s /tmp/node-httpc-response.d
Connection to on fd 15
Connection to on fd 13
Connection to on fd 18
Connection to on fd 12
Connection to on fd 10

With all of this information we can gather a lot of useful information. Because both probes have the file descriptor, we can link them together to get the latency, as we did previously. Because a node program may be making several HTTP requests to external services, having the ability to know which request is inducing how much latency is quite valuable.

Socket Read/Write Probes

This next set of probes is in fact two different probes, one which fires on every read from a socket and one that fires on every write to a socket. In addition to the information about the socket itself, we get two very useful numbers: the size of the data and the amount buffered. Whenever node does a write to a socket, it attempts to write all of it to the kernel at once. However, if the write would block, node stores the data in userland and will write it out a bit later. When this happens, the call to write returns false. If you aren’t careful or checking the return value from write that buffer can grow quite quickly in userland and eat up a lot of memory. Let’s look at how we can use these two probes:

# cat -n socket.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::net-socket-read,
     4  node*:::net-socket-write
     5  {
     6          printf("%s:%d -- %d bytes -- %d buffered\n", args[0]->remoteAddress,
     7              args[0]->remotePort, arg1, args[0]->bufferSize);
     8  }
# dtrace -L$PREFIX/lib/dtrace -s /tmp/socket.d -- 314 bytes -- 0 buffered -- 2740 bytes -- 0 buffered -- 2 bytes -- 0 buffered -- 5 bytes -- 0 buffered

Garbage Collection Probes

Javascript is a language where you don’t have to explicitly manage memory like you do in C. Instead, the runtime uses various techniques to allocate and later determine what memory can be freed. This technique is known as garbage collection. Node is using v8 under the hood to do this work. v8 gives us the ability to be notified right before garbage collection starts and ends. We have two pieces of information from the garbage collection process: the type of garbage collection and various flags.

To understand the different types, we have to dive into the v8 header file. Node v0.4.0 is currently using v8 version v3.1. If we open up /usr/include/v8.h we see the following for valid garbage collection types:

2472 enum GCType {
2473   kGCTypeScavenge = 1 << 0,
2474   kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact = 1 << 1,
2475   kGCTypeAll = kGCTypeScavenge | kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact
2476 };

From this we can see that v8 supports two different kinds of garbage collection. To help understand the differences, it's important to know that v8 uses the notion of generations. Generational garbage collection makes the observation that objects fall into two camps: those that come and go rather quickly and those that stick around for a while. Mark and Sweep compaction is a traditional form of garbage collection which works well for older objects, but takes much longer. The Scavenge algorithm works well for short lived objects and is generally much quicker than Mark and Sweep. Dave helps explain why we care about GC.

The other argument to our GC probes are a series of flags. Currently this looks like:

2478 enum GCCallbackFlags {
2479   kNoGCCallbackFlags = 0,
2480   kGCCallbackFlagCompacted = 1 << 0
2481 };

When using the probes, there are a few useful things to know. When GC occurs, nothing else is going to run. Furthermore, v8 uses the same thread to call the GC prologue and epilogue handlers. These callbacks are respectively fired immediately before and immediately after the GC operation. Because we have the same thread calling it, we can use a thread local variable in D to keep track of and answer the question of how much latency was due to garbage collection. We can do this with the following D script:

# cat -n /tmp/node-gc.d
     1  #pragma D option quiet
     3  node*:::gc-start
     4  {
     5          self->ts = timestamp;
     6  }
     8  node*:::gc-done
     9  {
    10          printf("Spent %d nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection\n",
    11              timestamp - self->ts);
    12          self->ts = 0
    13  }
# dtrace -s /tmp/node-gc.d
Spent 780604 nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection
Spent 50416942 nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection
Spent 33276517 nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection
Spent 14498463 nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection
Spent 3847561 nanoseconds doing Garbage Collection

Those are all the probes that we have currently added to node. All of them are available in the stock node src that you can download and compile yourself. The idea behind all of the probes that we added is to be able to answer a question directly related to what your application is doing and to be able to understand why and where issues are coming from.

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